IT engineers & technicians

Key information

Chance of finding job:


Average salary:



What’s it like?

There remains a significant demand for IT engineers and technicians with only 29% of the vacancies being matched with apprenticeships and FE course completions. This occupation is needed across multiple sectors.

Sandra completed a BTEC in Information Technology and got a job with a large retail chain to support their IT infrastructure

Pros: “It’s great working in a retail environment. Lots going on, different systems all with their own challenges although I enjoy supporting the e-commerce platform. And I get do discounts too!”

Cons: “Some of the older systems tend to fail quite often, so I’m often fixing the same problem which can be frustrating.”


What qualifications are available and where can you study it?

Northampton College

Location: Booth Lane North, Northampton, NN3 3RF

Courses include: Level 3 IT Infrastructure Technician, Level 3 IT Digital Technician


Milton Keynes Academy

Location: Fulwoods Drive, Leadenhall, Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LA

Courses include: Level 3 Extended Certificate in Information Technology


What apprenticeships are available?

Engineering manufacturer – Engineering technical support

IT application specialist