
Here at the Centre for Progressive Policy (CPP) we take your privacy seriously. We promise to take great care of your personal data and we are committed to protecting any personal information we obtain about you. This policy is of particular importance for people who visit our website, attend our events, sign up to newsletters or apply for a role at CPP.

This privacy policy sets out how we might collect, store and use your data in line with the EU General Data Protection Policy (GDPR). This policy might be subject to change from time to time so please re-visit this site occasionally.

Please contact us if you have any questions:  [email protected]


About us

We are the Centre for Progressive Policy – a London based think tank committed to making inclusive economic growth a reality. The Centre for Progressive Policy is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (no 107 545 81). Our office is at 27 Great Peter Street, North House Westminster, London, SW1P 3LN.



The CPP takes every effort to ensure the information provided on our website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by visitors to our site relying on inaccurate information provided on our website.

We might provide links to other websites for your information. This does not imply our endorsement and we do not take responsibility for content provided by other sites. These sites may collect information about you not covered by our own privacy policy.


What information we might collect from you

When you visit our website, we may collect information from you including your IP address, operating system, browser, browsing actions and patterns, the time and duration you visited the site, information indicating whether you have visited the site before and what site referred you to our website. To collect this information we use cookies from Google Analytics. These cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive and are used to store information. This information is anonymised, so we are not able to identify individuals that have visited our website.

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies without affecting how you visit this website. Please visit this Google page for more information.

On our website, we also offer sharing buttons from Twitter and LinkedIn. If you use these services, they may be notified about your visit, and use their own cookies, even if you do not use the share buttons


Why we collect this information and what we do with it

We collect this information to create reports to assess how the website is used by visitors. This allows us to implement improvements to our website to enhance the user experience. We may share anonymous data with our partners. For example, we may inform partners about how many people have visited our page. This data is not deleted from our system to allow us to evaluate trends over time.


Mailing list

Individuals can voluntarily sign up to CPP updates by providing personal information via a sign-up form linked on our website or distributed by email. The information visitors provide will be transferred to our mailing list provider Mailchimp. The data is then stored within our MailChimp account and allows CPP to generate distributions lists for the sole purpose of disseminating the Centre’s updates.


What information we might collect from you

In addition to the information you add in the sign-up forms (your email address, first name, surname, role, organisation) we might also collect your IP address and your opt-in time. This information will be transferred to and stored by MailChimp. Your personal data might also be transferred to sub-processors of MailChimp who perform some critical services, such as helping MailChimp prevent abuse and providing support to our customers.


Why we collect this information and what we do with it

We require your name and email address to send you the updates which you have signed up for. We ask for your role and organisation to gain a better picture of which groups of people sign up to our updates. The IP address allows us to identify from which country our subscribers are. This helps us to tailor the content for our audience more effectively.

You can unsubscribe from the distribution list or update your information at any time by clicking on the relevant links on the bottom of the newsletter or by emailing [email protected].

By signing up to the mailing list you agree that we may, collect, store and process your information in accordance with these terms.



At CPP, we use internal system or Eventbrite to collect and store information provided by our attendees. We might do this via email or links to Eventbrite sign-up forms which are distributed by email or in the form of a newsletter.


What information we might collect from you

When you register for one of our events, we might ask you for the following information to process your request:

Email address, first name, surname, role (if applicable), organisation (if applicable), dietary requirements (if applicable) and request for disability access (if applicable).

The information provided by you is collected via email or our Eventbrite account. We might also store the data on other systems, such as dropbox which is compliant with the EU GDPR guidelines.

Why we collect this information and what we do with it

We require your email address to contact you with information related to this event. This might include publications or presentations related to the work presented at the event or other essential information which you need to be aware of when you attend the event.  These emails might be sent to you before or after attending the event.

We might share your first name, surname, role and organisation via a delegate list which we distribute to attendees at the event. This information might also be used to produce name badges handed out at the event.

The information might also be shared organisations which co-host the event with us. If this is the case, the co-host will be mentioned in the invitation.

Sensitive information such as dietary requirements and request for disability access will be passed on anonymously.

The information you provide might also be used to invite you to future events. For this purpose, the above-mentioned data might be stored for up to two years after the event. Sensitive personal data, however, such as dietary requirements or the need for disability access will be deleted shortly after the event.


The lawful basis for collecting, storing and processing this information

The lawful basis for processing this information is the Legitimate Interests (Article 6(1)(f)) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


As the event organiser we have a legitimate interest in collecting, storing and processing the data to organise the event. Attendees have a legitimate interest to ensure that their request for participating at the event can be administered.


Moreover, CPP has a legitimate interest in informing attendees about future events if we believe these are of interest to past attendees of our events.

If you do not wish this information to be shared or prefer not to receive emails from us, please let us know by emailing  [email protected].

By registering for one of our events, you agree to these terms.


When you apply for a specific role or send us a speculative CV, we collect and store your data:

Personal Information Collected: We collect, the information below about you during the recruitment process. If you fail to provide certain information when requested we will not be able to progress your application.

Information provided in your curriculum vitae / résumé, application form, covering letter and during the interview process including: your name, date of birth, age, gender, home address, personal email address, education, qualification and work experience details, and references.

Information collected or created by us during the recruitment process including: interview notes, test scores where applicable and correspondence between us.

Special categories of personal data including: information relating to disabilities.

Sources of Information: This information is either (a) provided by you; (b) obtained from third parties through the application and recruitment process; or (c) created by us in the course of the recruitment process.

How we use personal information: We use your personal information to progress the recruitment process, assess and make a decision about your suitability for a role, to communicate with you and to carry out reference checks. We will also use your information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Why we use personal information: We will use the information collected from you because: (1) it is necessary for us to do so before entering into a contract with you; (2)  we need to process your information in order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation; or (3) because we or a third party have a legitimate interest to: (a) ensure the effective administration and management of the recruitment process; (b) ensure we hire a suitable individual for a role; (c) deal with disputes and accidents and take legal or other professional advice; and (d) ascertain your fitness to work.

How we use special category personal information: We will process your special categories of personal data to consider whether we need to provide appropriate adjustments during the recruitment process.

Why we use special category personal information: We will use special categories of personal information collected about you because: (1) we need to do so to carry out our legal obligations; (2) it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence or legal claims on in relation to court cases; (3) it is needed to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests) and you are not capable of giving your consent.

Information about criminal convictions: As part of the recruitment process we carry out criminal background checks to assess your suitability for certain roles. We are allowed to use your personal information in this way where you have provided your consent.

Information that we share: We will only share your personal information with the following third parties for the purposes of processing your application: (1) employment agencies, (2) background check providers, (3) regulators and competent authorities, (4) immigration counsel if applicable. We will also share personal data within our group for the purposes of administration, accounting and reporting purposes.

Retention of your information: We will retain your personal information for the duration of the recruitment process  and for the length of any applicable limitation period for claims which might be brought against us later.

Where your information will be held: We will hold and otherwise process your information within the UK or other countries in the European Economic Area.

Your rights: You have the following rights in connection to your data: the rights of access, correction, erasure, objection, restriction, transfer, and the right to withdraw consent and to complain to a Supervisory Authority.


Please contact us if you have any questions:  [email protected]